
Frequently Asked Questions

Is This Company Genuine?
This company was more than 11 years old. We have more than 10000 registered members across India. We match many couples, Its mission is also to help you - our valued customer - in the best manner possible. To be with you at all times, to guide you, to support you and yes, to help you grow as an individual.
The No. I Get Is Genuine And Do They Talk To Me?
Yes, the no. we provide is 100% genuine, when you get the phone number just give your membership ID as reference and start talking. They will also talk because they have register themselves in there own will. More over they also need friends like you. You also chat , massege with them.
What Kinds Of Friends Profile Are Offering?
You will get all type of profile according to your choice. It can be single, married, divorcee etc. All you have to do is tell our customer care executive ,the friends you want and we will happy to search for you the contact of the friends from our database every week.
Whose Contact No. You Will Provide Me For Friendship?
The people like you and me who has registered themselves in our company to get friends like you. All you have to do is to register with us for free or call us next you should remember your Membership id for reference.
If I Take Membership Then I Get Genuine Service & Risk Free?
Yes premiumfriendship is totally risk free where you can take membership which cost is very low and enjoy with your friends CHAT, FRIENDSHIP, ROMANCE, CALL, and many more only many more.
Gurantee 100%
Money Back 100%
Secure 100%
Customer Satisfication